WHO states that an allowable concentration of mercury in human hair is less than 6 μg/g. In the Amazon basin, where fish is the main source of dietary protein, mercury concentrations in hair reached up to 150 μg/g. Furthermore, only two of 40 cities studied have average mercury concentrations below the recommended amount [10, 71]. In individuals who have amalgam, the daily release of mercury amalgam is approximately 4-5 μg/day, and a positive correlation exists between the blood concentration of mercury and the number of amalgams. It is estimated that each dental amalgam releases 3–17 μg mercury vapor per day and that the blood concentration of mercury after removal of the restoration can reach 5 nmol/L. However, even at concentrations below recommended levels, there is strong evidence that exposure to ethyl mercury, the major component of thimerosal, is associated with the onset of neurological and heart disorders in children.
Toxic Effects of Mercury on the Cardiovascular and Central Nervous Systems
かつてのワクチン先進国・イスラエルでもコロナ茶番完全終了 ワクチン接種率も伸び悩み、マスク着用義務も解除https://t.co/jYLUMvjsib
— RAPT理論+α (@Rapt_plusalpha) October 17, 2022
— RAPT理論+α (@Rapt_plusalpha) October 17, 2022
— RAPT理論+α (@Rapt_plusalpha) October 17, 2022
【厚労省】コロナワクチンの毒性を認め、ワクチン後遺症の実態調査に乗り出す 余りに遅すぎる対応に批判殺到https://t.co/QCuDWIIv4z
— RAPT理論+α (@Rapt_plusalpha) October 17, 2022