— Trilliana 華 (@Trilliana_x) August 16, 2024
是非他の団体もこれに続き、レプリコンワクチンを中止に追い込みましょう! pic.twitter.com/sfV4arjk92
2024.08.08【緊急声明】新型コロナウイルス感染症予防接種に導入されるレプリコンワクチンへの懸念 自分と周りの人々のために(PDF)
— Laughing Man (@jhmdrei) December 28, 2023
レプリコンワクチン接種者が吐き出すエクソソーム(自己増殖RNAを内包)を、一粒でも吸い込んでしまえば、非接種者の細胞と結合し、増殖をはじめてしまう可能性がある。つまり、感染と同じメカニズム。レプリコンが「疑似ウィルス」と言われる所以。 https://t.co/mAJuimQEnq pic.twitter.com/rO7YMLCPS2
— himuro (@himuro398) June 22, 2024
「レプリコンワクチン接種した患者の来院をお断りさせていただく予定です」という病院の院長さんの投稿… pic.twitter.com/3Cr4tOubXg
— こーじ(Fellows) (@HappyRuler) August 16, 2024
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
▶ https://t.co/xDaByhYXOK pic.twitter.com/Dga7A6bQeA
(以下の画像は、https://www.azusawaseikei.com/ より)
【ウイルスは存在しない】理化学研究所 コロナウイルス感染細胞内でウイルス粒子が成熟する経路を捉えることに成功
We lost a lot of time. It probably introduced as a smoke screen to confound part of dissidents. "There is absolutely nothing."
— purplepearl(リーシャ) (@purplep76858690) June 9, 2022
我々は多くの時間を無駄にした。恐らくは、一部反対派を混乱させる目的で、煙幕として仕組まれたのだろう。スパイクタンパク質もmRNAも無い。 pic.twitter.com/qcmn3oqej0
モデルナ製コロナワクチンにはイタイイタイ病の原因となった重金属「カドミウム」が含有 脳神経に悪影響を及ぼすアルミニウムも
最近の判決で、ドイツ連邦最高裁判所 (BGH) の判事は麻疹ウイルスが存在しないことを確認しました。さらに、科学文献でウイルスの存在を証明できる科学的研究は世界中に 1 つもありません。このことから、過去数十年間に何百万人もの人々に実際に何が注入されたのかという疑問が生じます。
多くのワクチンが効果がないという事実は、ますます明らかになりつつある。メルク社は、 MMR混合ワクチンに含まれるおたふく風邪ワクチンの有効性について嘘をつき、ワクチンの予防効果が高いという幻想を過去20年間維持するために有効性研究を捏造したとして、2件の別々の集団訴訟を起こされた。
人間と実験毒性学誌に掲載された研究などでは、ワクチンの大量投与と乳児死亡率の間には直接的な統計的相関関係があることが判明した。 「乳児死亡率は日常的に投与されるワクチン投与回数に対して回帰分析された:生化学的毒性または相乗毒性はあるか?」という研究は、25年間ワクチンの危険性を研究してきたゲイリー・S・ゴールドマンとニール・Z・ミラーによって実施された。
内部告発者のウィリアム・トンプソン博士は、「CDC は、2003 年という早い時期に、アフリカ系アメリカ人の男児における MMR ワクチン初回接種年齢と自閉症発症率の関係について知っていたが、それを隠蔽することを選択した」と認めた。同博士は、「CDC は現在、自閉症に関連するあらゆることに完全に麻痺しているため、10 年間の研究を逃した。関連している可能性のあるものを探すのを恐れているため、彼らはすべきことをしていない」と述べた。同博士は上司による犯罪行為を主張し、CDC のデータ隠蔽に加担した自身の役割について深い後悔を表明した。
BGH 第一民事上院は、2016 年 2 月のシュトゥットガルト高等地方裁判所 (OLG) の判決を承認しました。麻疹ウイルスの存在を科学的に証明したことに対する報奨金として提示された 10 万ユーロは、原告に支払われる必要がありました。また、原告はすべての手続き費用を負担するよう命じられました。
6つの論文の著者とその他の関係者は、国際的に定義された規則と科学のベストプラクティスに従って「lege artis」で研究するという基本的な科学的義務に違反したため、誤りに気付かなかった。彼らはいかなる対照実験も行わなかった。対照実験を行っていれば、著者と人類はこの重大な誤りから守られたはずだった。この誤りは、病原性ウイルスが存在するという信念の根拠となった。裁判所が任命した専門家、ポドビエルスキ教授は、裁判所の関連質問に答え、議定書の7ページによると、著者がいかなる対照実験も行わなかったことを明確に確認した。
Prevent Disease
In a recent ruling, judges at the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) confirmed that the measles virus does not exist. Furthermore, there is not a single scientific study in the world which could prove the existence of the virus in any scientific literature. This raises the question of what was actually injected into millions over the past few decades.
Not a single scientist, immunologist, infectious disease specialist or medical doctor has ever been able to establish a scientific foundation, not only for the vaccination of measles but any vaccination for infants, pregnant women, the elderly and even many adult subgroups.
The fact that many vaccines are ineffective is becoming increasingly apparent. Merck was slapped with two separate class action lawsuits contending they lied about the effectiveness of the mumps vaccine in their combination MMR shot, and fabricated efficacy studies to maintain the illusion for the past two decades that the vaccine is highly protective.
Studies such as one published in the Human and Experimental Toxicology journal found a direct statistical correlation between higher vaccine doses and infant mortality rates. The study, Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity?, was conducted by Gary S. Goldman and Neil Z. Miller who has been studying the dangers of vaccines for 25 years.
MMR Vaccine
In the United States, children typically receive their mumps vaccination as part of the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises children to receive their first dose between 12 and 18 months, and their second between the ages of 4 and 6.
Evidence has been published in the medical literature that vaccinated persons can get measles because either they do not respond to the vaccine or the vaccine’s efficacy wanes over time and vaccinated mothers do not transfer long lasting maternal antibodies to their infants to protect them in the first few months of life.
Brian Hooker’s published paper, is a comprehensive analysis of the CDC’s own data from 2003 revealing a 340% increased risk of autism in African-American children following the MMR vaccine.
Brian Hooker’s research in the Translational Neurodegeneration Journal provides the most recent epidemiological evidence showing that African American males receiving the MMR vaccine prior to 24 months of age or 36 months of age are more likely to receive an autism diagnosis.
Whistleblower Dr. William Thompson confirmed that “the CDC knew about the relationship between the age of first MMR vaccine and autism incidence in African-American boys as early as 2003, but chose to cover it up.” He remarked “we’ve missed ten years of research because the CDC is so paralyzed right now by anything related to autism. They’re not doing what they should be doing because they’re afraid to look for things that might be associated.” He alleges criminal wrongdoing by his supervisors, and he expressed deep regret about his role in helping the CDC hide data.
Measles Virus Does Not Exist
German biologist Dr. Stefan Lanka initially offered 100,000 euros to anyone who could provide scientific evidence that the measles virus existed. He had initially been ordered to pay up in court after Doctor David Bardens attempted to claim the prize after providing the biologist with a study that had been published in a medical journal. At that time, a Judge in the regional court in Ravensburg, South Germany, ruled in the favour of Dr. Bardens in a controversial decision claiming the criteria for evidence had been met.
The First Civil Senate of the BGH confirmed a judgment by the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart (OLG) on in February 2016. The sum of 100,000 euros which was offered as a reward for scientific proof of the existence of the alleged measles virus did have to be paid to the plaintiff. The plaintiff also was ordered to bear all procedural costs.
Five experts have been involved in the case and presented the results of scientific studies. All five experts, including Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Podbielski who had been appointed by the OLG Stuttgart as the preceding court, have consistently found that none of the six publications which have been introduced to the trial, contains scientific proof of the existence of the alleged measles virus.
In the trial, the results of research into so-called genetic fingerprints of alleged measles virus have been introduced. Two recognised laboratories, including the world’s largest and leading genetic Institute, arrived at exactly the same results independently.The results prove that the authors of the six publications in the measles virus case were wrong, and as a direct result all measles virologists are still wrong today: They have misinterpreted ordinary constituents of cells as part of the suspected measles virus.
Because of this error, during decades of consensus building process, normal cell constituents were mentally assembled into a model of a measles virus. To this day, an actual structure that corresponds to this model has been found neither in a human, nor in an animal. With the results of the genetic tests, all thesis of existence of measles virus has been scientifically disproved.
The authors of the six publications and all other persons involved, did not realise the error because they violated the fundamental scientific duty, which is the need to work “lege artis”, i.e. in accordance with internationally defined rules and best practice of science. They did not carry out any control experiments. Control experiments would have protected authors and mankind from this momentous error. This error became the basis of belief in the existence of any disease-causing viruses. The expert appointed by the court, Prof. Dr. Dr. Podbielski, answering to the relevant question by the court, as per page 7 of the protocol explicitly confirmed that the authors did not conduct any control experiments.
The OLG Stuttgart overturned the judgment of the court of first instance, dismissed the action and referred, inter alia, to the central message of Prof. Podbielski with respect to the six publications. The plaintiff filed an appeal against the judgment of the OLG to the Supreme Court. As reason he stated his subjective, yet factually false perception of the trial sequence at the court in Stuttgart, and the assertion that our naming of facts about measles posed a threat to public health. The plaintiff’s position was rejected by the Supreme Court in plain words. Thus, the Supreme Court confirmed the judgment of the OLG Stuttgart from February 16, 2016.
The six publications submitted in the trial are the main relevant publications on the subject of “measles virus.” Since further to these six publications there not any other publications which would attempt by scientific methods to prove the existence of the measles virus, the Supreme Court judgment in the measles virus trial and the results of the genetic tests have consequences: Any national and international statements on the alleged measles virus, the infectivity of measles, and on the benefit and safety of vaccination against measles, are since then of no scientific character and have thus been deprived of their legal basis.
Upon enquiries which had been triggered by the measles virus contest, the head of the National Reference Institute for Measles at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Prof. Dr. Annette Mankertz, admitted an important fact. This admission may explain the increased rate of vaccination-induced disabilities, namely of vaccination against measles, and why and how specifically this kind of vaccination seems to increasingly trigger autism.
Prof. Mankertz has admitted that the “measles virus” contains typical cell’s natural components (ribosomes, the protein factories of the cell). Since the vaccination against measles contains whole “whole measles virus”, this vaccine contains cell’s own structures. This explains why vaccination against measles causes frequent and more severe allergies and autoimmune reactions than other types of vaccination. The court expert Prof. Podbielski stated on several occasions that by the assertion of the RKI with regard to ribosomes in the measles virus, the thesis of existence of measles virus has been falsified.
In the trial it was also put on record that the highest German scientific authority in the field of infectious diseases, the RKI, contrary to its legal remit as per 4 Infection Protection Act (IfSG), has failed to create tests for alleged measles virus and to publish these. The RKI claims that it made internal studies on measles virus, however refuses to hand over or publish the results.
Sources: lrbw.juris.de anonhq.com wissenschafftplus.de
Biologist Proves Measles Isn’t A Virus, Wins Supreme Court Case Against Doctor